@DATABASE "ProxWatch Documentation" @AUTHOR "Boris Folgmann" @(C) "PROXITY SOFTWORKS" ## $Id: ProxWatch.guide,v 1.3 1994/09/04 21:04:00 folgmann Exp folgmann $ @$VER: ProxWatch.guide 1.3 (4.9.94) @NODE MAIN "ProxWatch" @{b}ProxWatch@{ub} - Localized Font-Sensitive Watch Freeware 1994 by @{"PROXITY SOFTWORKS" LINK "PSI/PROXITY SOFTWORKS"} Development by @{"Boris Folgmann" LINK "PSI/Boris Folgmann"} ProxWatch 1.2 (4.9.94) User Manual @{" Copyrights " LINK COPYRIGHTS} Copyright information. @{" Disclaimer " LINK PSI/DISCLAIMER} Legal stuff. @{" Description " LINK DESCRIPTION} What is it for? @{" System requirements " LINK REQUIREMENTS} What is needed? @{" Contents " LINK CONTENTS} Archive contents. @{" Installation " LINK INSTALLATION} How to install. @{" Usage " LINK USAGE} How is it used? @{" Tooltypes " LINK TOOLTYPES} Available options. @{" Menus " LINK MENUS} Available menuitems. @{" History " LINK HISTORY} What's new? @{" Support " LINK PSI/SUPPORT} How to contact us. @{" Update " LINK PSI/UPDATE} Where to get new releases. @{" Credits " LINK PSI/CREDITS} Thanks to some persons. @ENDNODE ########################################################################### @NODE COPYRIGHTS COPYRIGHTS Unless otherwise noted, all files are Freeware 1994 by @{"PROXITY SOFTWORKS" LINK "PSI/PROXITY SOFTWORKS"} All Rights Reserved. MagicWB 1994 Martin Huttenloher Kickstart and Workbench are Copyright 1985-1994 Commodore-Amiga, Inc. @ENDNODE ########################################################################### @NODE DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION o ProxWatch is a small utility for your WBStartup drawer. o The string used for displaying date and time is totally user definable. o The window can be opened on your favourite public screen. o Using a borderless backdrop window the watch text may be visually attached to the screen title. @ENDNODE ########################################################################### @NODE REQUIREMENTS SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS @{"Kickstart" LINK COPYRIGHTS} 2.04 @{"Workbench" LINK COPYRIGHTS} 2.1 for locale.library V38 Amigaguide.library V34 for enabling the Help menuitem. @ENDNODE ########################################################################### @NODE CONTENTS CONTENTS This software package consists of the following files: @{fg highlight}ProxWatch@{fg text} ProxWatch for all Amigas. @{fg highlight}ProxWatch020@{fg text} ProxWatch for Amigas equipped with a MC68020 CPU or better. Slightly shorter and faster. @{fg highlight}ProxWatch.guide@{fg text} This AmigaGuide document for Multiview. @{FG HIGHLIGHT}PSI@{FG TEXT} @{"Proxity Softworks" LINK "PSI/PROXITY SOFTWORKS"} information text. Some icons are part of @{"MagicWB" LINK COPYRIGHTS} and included with permission of the author. @ENDNODE ########################################################################### @NODE INSTALLATION INSTALLATION Simply drag the appropriate version of ProxWatch to your WBStartup drawer. If you want to install this documentation on your system copy 'ProxWatch.guide' and 'PSI' to a directory of your choice and set tooltype @{"HELPTEXT" LINK TOOLTYPES} to 'your_directory/ProxWatch.guide'. Suggested path is 'HELP:english/' which only exists on systems running Workbench 3.0. @ENDNODE ########################################################################### @NODE USAGE USAGE ProxWatch uses a template for printing the time and date in it's window. The default string is '%T' which prints the time only, e.g. '01:23:45'. You may change this by editing the tooltype @{"WATCHSTRING" LINK TOOLTYPES}. For example try: @{fg highlight}Date: %d.%m.%y - Time %T@{fg text} this may result in 'Date: 17.8.94 - Time: 16:59:12' For more detailed information see @{"date format" LINK DATEFORMAT}. @ENDNODE ########################################################################### @NODE DATEFORMAT DATE FORMAT The template describing the desired format for the date. This is constructed just like C-language printf() statements, except that different formatting codes are used. Just like in C, formatting codes start with a % followed by the formatting command. The following commands are accepted by %a - abbreviated weekday name %A - weekday name %b - abbreviated month name %B - month name %c - same as "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y" %C - same as "%a %b %e %T %Z %Y" %d - day number with leading 0s %D - same as "%m/%d/%y" %e - day number with leading spaces %h - abbreviated month name %H - hour using 24-hour style with leading 0s %I - hour using 12-hour style with leading 0s %j - julian date %m - month number with leading 0s %M - the number of minutes with leading 0s %n - insert a linefeed %p - AM or PM strings %q - hour using 24-hour style %Q - hour using 12-hour style %r - same as "%I:%M:%S %p" %R - same as "%H:%M" %S - number of seconds with leadings 0s %t - insert a tab character %T - same as "%H:%M:%S" %U - week number, taking Sunday as first day of week %w - weekday number %W - week number, taking Monday as first day of week %x - same as "%m/%d/%y" %X - same as "%H:%M:%S" %y - year using two digits with leading 0s %Y - year using four digits with leading 0s @ENDNODE ########################################################################### @NODE TOOLTYPES TOOLTYPES @{fg highlight}DONOTWAIT=YES@{fg text} You should set this always to YES to keep sure that the Workbench task does not wait for termination of the program while booting up. @{fg highlight}TOOLPRI=@{fg text} Sets task priority to (default 0). Suggested value is 15, which will enable ProxWatch to update the watch string immediately in most cases. @{fg highlight}STARTPRI=@{fg text} Sets WBStartup priority to (default 0). @{fg highlight}PUBSCREEN=@{fg text} Uses the public screen for the ProxWatch window. If the screen does not exist the default public screen is used. You may use the string 'Workbench' to open the window on the Workbench screen. @{fg highlight}WATCHSTRING=